Trip Reveal Ideas

Vacation season is coming up. Your kids have started planning for the vacation. But you do not know where to start and how to entertain them. Are you planning for an outing? Do you want to buy them some gifts to engage their mind or you are just searching for ideas? If you want to […]

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Does Skydiving Make Your Stomach Drop? – Misconceptions Uncovered

Does skydiving make your stomach drop? The thought of jumping out of a plane tens of thousands of feet in the air typically gives first-timers many butterflies in their stomachs. To calm their nerves down, first time divers typically overthink what they should or shouldn’t do before taking the leap and what it feels like. […]

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Wakizashi vs. Tanto – The Next Time You Visit Japan

Both the Wakizashi and Tanto are Samurai swords. The Samurai were Japanese warriors of ancient times whose reputation in martial arts and sword fighting continues to travel through time. But it was not just their fighting skills that earned them their reputation — it was everything in the swords they carried; discipline respect, smartness, and bravery. […]

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